How I became a self taught machine learning engineer at 16

How I became a self taught machine learning engineer at 16

AI has been on for years and people lives has been affected by it. Everyday we hear of self driving cars, robots and assistant which are been powered by AI today. Today I will share with you my journey on how I became a self taught machine learning engineer at 16. The journey all started when I was 12 which started my programming journey and also gave me insights of learning. I stumbled on python when i was 12 and it seems the best language for me and i started building softwares with it and it was fun. I started building GUI in tkinter and pyqt and it seems i am on top on the world and I stumbled on web development for the first time when I was 13. I learnt a lot from web development using JavaScript for client side and also server side. It was fun learning the power of ReactJS and also VueJs and the power of ExpressJs and NodeJs which I explored and learnt. I also explored on app development in react native and also java when I was 14 and it was fun learning it then the journey of becoming a Machine Learning engineer started when i was 15.

How I stumbled on machine learning at 15

I stumbled on machine learning when i was researching on an assignment on mathematics and i found out that AI was the future, I stumbled and learnt on a series of courses to make me learn. I learnt a lot on coursera and udemy on machine learning and AI in general, i learnt a lot on python libraries in general learning tensorflow, keras and pytorch and also scipy, scikit-learn and a lot building projects with what I learnt.

How I fell in love with machine learning

I fell in love with machine learning by building a lot of models and becoming confident with it. I looked up to my role models in this field like tanmay bakshi, Pransoon Pratham, Bill Gates and the lot of them. I look forward to becoming more powerful and confident in the machine learning world. I took a lot of tutorials but I learnt that to be good in machine learning, deep learning and AI in general you have to practice a lot of project. I learnt a lot on CNN, KNN, RNN and ANN which are a more powerful neural networks.

How I will get and influence a lot of people to Join AI

I will actually start a youtube channel focusing on AI and machine learning to enable young ones and expert in the field learn machine learning and the power it gives to the world. I am learning a lot and also ready to give out what I am learning to the world.

I am still learning at 16 and still building so to get a lot about Programming and computer Science in general, Follow me on [twitter] ( to learn about machine learning, web development, App development, Software development and web3. Thanks a lot for reading and don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel [] and also to follow me on hashnode.